Friends of Darebin Parklands

Helpful Information

Flora & Fauna

Home to echidnas, flying foxes, native fish, 70 species of birds, and even the occasional kangaroo, the Darebin Parklands are one of Melbourne’s best urban bushland reserves. But the parklands weren’t always like this. When the FDP was founded in 1973, the Alphington side of the park, a former 40 metre deep quarry hole, was a municipal tip. The Ivanhoe side was a neglected and weed infested horse paddock.

The early members of the FDP had the vision to imagine that the parklands could be the magnificent community asset that they have become today.

Almost all of the vegetation that you see today in the parklands has been painstakingly planted by hand by members of the FDP, working with the park’s paid rangers and the community. Find out more about the history of the parklands (including before and after photos of some of your favorite places) in the Wasteland to Wildlife Haven PowerPoint presentation.

The FDP’s goals are to continue protect and improve the bushland character of the parklands, maintaining it as a wildlife haven and a place to appreciate nature. Our long-term goal is to reinstate native animal habitat so that more animals, including the platypus, return to live in and around the Darebin Creek.

For more information about our plants and animals see 

Darebin Parklands & Creek Flora & Fauna

Sugar Gliders Spotted In The Parklands​

Sugar Gliders have been seen using one of the nest boxes in the parklands. They are highly social animals and are active at night (hence their large eyes, which enables them to see in the darkness).

Penthouses For Parrots​

We have made and installed a large number of nest boxes to encourage the Eastern Rosellas to nest and rear their young in Darebin Parklands. These beautiful native birds have been displaced due to land clearing and aggression from introduced birds such as the Indian Myna that forcefully take over available nest holes.

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